4 ways to ensure your adventurous honeymoon continues throughout your

4 ways to ensure your adventurous honeymoon continues throughout your

Can you make your adventurous honeymoon phase last forever? If you by honeymoon you mean exotic destinations, having strawberries and spending all day and night in bliss, then truth be told – you can’t. But if you are talking about the freshness, passion, and love you have for each other, then it’s possible to maintain that togetherness throughout your life. Of course, this means mutual commitments and constant effort through which you can enjoy your honeymoon phase forever together.

1. Friendship

Marriages are not always based on romantic love. Yup, you heard that right. It’s not romantic love or sexual passion that will keep the marriage going on for years but simply the friendship which couples share.

So, what do you usually do with your best friend?
  • You spend time with them.
  • You spend time talking to them, listening to what they say.
  • You clear out any misunderstanding without cutting them off or giving the silent treatment.
  • You create a space of confidentiality and trust with your best friend.

Couples who have secret language and codes of understanding as it is fun that these peculiarities help them strengthen their bond with each other even after years.

2. Being Real and Fun

Most importantly, you will have fun with friends without any masks or charades. You will be the real you when you are with your friends – the wacky, naughty and uninhibited you. It’s time to remove the conventional hierarchical quote that “God is the husband so you must be the somber obedient wife”. This literally kills the honeymoon phase as the ego rules the relationship. Keep it real and see your partner as your equal – not above or below.

3. See your partner as a lover and not just a spouse.

Most couples vouch for the bitter truth that the moment they tie the knot, the thrill of being the boyfriend or girlfriend fades away and they are pulled like domestic animals linked together. This doesn’t happen if you continue your romance with your partner as a passionate lover and not some dutiful date night with a spouse. Treat them well as your best friend and lover even after marriage.

So, let’s do it again…!!!
  • Spend time with your best friend/lover at home and outdoors. Visit interesting places and do exciting things together.
  • Go on movie dates with your friend/lover.
  • Go on special outings meant just for you and your lover friend.
  • Arrange surprise dates, passionate weekend getaways, pleasure trips, etc. And keep in mind that it’s not only the man’s responsibility but the woman’s too to plan such initiatives.

4. Read together and plan ideas together

  • Indulge in reading together and have some passionate reading sessions. This will improve your post-wedding honeymoon stage of love and passion in your marital life.
  • Involve in joint sessions of creative activities such as gardening. Couples who enjoy creative activities and hobbies together can find long-lasting interest and passion in each other that will strengthen the bond and the honeymoon phase going strong through the years.

At Waytonikah.com, we not only want you to meet your life partner but a lifelong friend who will hold your hands and walk with you together forever. We are committed to bringing you our best. You will find the best Indian grooms and brides, your perfect life partner you can trust for the rest of your life.  

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